Why Outsource your Billing?
There’s dozens of reasons to outsource your billing but perhaps the most compelling reason is so you can focus on what you do best – taking care of your patients. Do you still do your own taxes? If not, why not? Have they become too complicated? Are you concerned about making mistakes? Do you simply prefer to spend that time doing other things? The same reasons why you outsource your taxes apply to medical billing. Let the professionals do what they do best so you can focus on what you do best.
If you’re still not convinced, here are other questions to consider:
If you’re not an expert in medical billing, how effective can you be in hiring someone to do your billing?
Who does your biller go to when they don’t know the right answer?
What happens when your in-house biller goes on vacation, or calls in sick, or quits with no notice?
What checks and balances do you have in place to make sure that they’re collecting what they should be?
How do you manage the growth of your practice when you need more than one in-house biller but less than two?
Is your in-house biller monitoring for legal, regulatory and coding changes? If not, who is?
How do you benchmark against other similar practices so you know if your results are consistent? How do you know if your contracted rates are competitive with what other practices have obtained?
I can go on...
Whether it’s due to complexity or unpleasantness, there’s a lot of good reasons to outsource your billing to Flatirons Practice Management.