We run our company differently.
We find our approach to be superior because billing and working denied claims require vastly different skills and temperaments and most people aren’t good at both. Billing claims is very repetitive and can be a little monotonous. It takes discipline to stay focused and to bill clean claims. It requires knowledge and expertise to master the modifier requirements and to recognize coding incompatibilities. Our billers are exceptional at what they do because billing claims is all they do.
Assigning Roles by Skillset
Working denied claims requires a very different temperament and different skills. Knowing what corrective action to take based on the payer and why the claim was denied is learned and honed over time. In our experience, people who are effective at pulling a claim from the jaws of death disdain monotonous and repetitive tasks like billing. They are simply different skill sets and expecting someone to be good at both is unrealistic. Yet most billing organizations do just this.
Enjoying What We Do
Furthermore, people tend to gravitate toward the tasks they enjoy more and they tend to procrastinate with those tasks they enjoy least. As such it’s easy for things to fall through the cracks as people put off, time and time again, the tasks they dislike. With our structure, this doesn’t happen because billers strictly bill claims and the staff who work your aging are likewise dedicated to working your aging. They don’t have the luxury of procrastinating because all they do is bill claims or work denials, respectively. This leads to better and more consistent collection results for our clients.
Employing the Optimal Size
Our size is another advantage we have over other billing services. We’re large enough that we can afford state-of-the-art technology. We can afford to have dedicated auditors and we can afford to have certified coders on staff. But yet we’re small enough that we’re able to provide excellent customer service and a truly personalized experience for you and your patients. Our senior management are highly accessible to our clients and we routinely provide custom reports and assist our clients with ad hoc analyses and other things that other billing services either cannot or just do not support.
Supporting Multiple EHRs
We also support many popular EHR (electronic health records) and PM (practice management) software systems. Many billing companies support just one platform, take it or leave it. We assert that ours is a service business and we should be accommodating your software needs instead of expecting you to accommodate our software needs. We’ve developed custom interfaces with many EHR software and also support many fully integrated EHR/PM combination platforms. If we don’t support your software, we can likely at least extract the data for billing and import it into a software that we do support. If in doubt, please ask. There is a very good chance we already work with your software of choice.
Speed of Collections
Physical Therapy
Average Days
Flatirons Practice Management
Physical Therapy
Average Days
Most billing companies simply don’t operate the way we do at Flatirons Practice Management and our superior approach leads to superior results.